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n  e  w  s  -  join the dots - unire le distanze - trieste - 2018 - it

in the summer of 2018 imago mundi travels to trieste: from 29th may to 2nd september, the exhibition “join the dots / unire le distanze” will be hosted in the salone degli incanti, ex pescheria, the city’s splendid exhibition space overlooking the sea. join the dots is an exhibition of 40 collections: it is an invitation to join the dots by following the red thread that unites the 40 collections on show. trieste, which has always been a centre for the exchange of ideas and trade, is the starting point for an itinerary of land and sea, which takes us from the shores of the north sea to legendary baghdad, from sunny morocco to the danubian steppes, from baltic beaches to the negev desert.

peter noever & stefan a. schumer / trieste / 2018 / it